News archive with tag 'talks'
- 07 May 2025: 07.05.2025 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Frank Keller (University of Edinburgh)
- 02 April 2025: 02.04.2025 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Hilde Kuehne (University of Tuebingen)
- 05 March 2025: 05.03.2025 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Jens Kober (TU Delft)
- 04 December 2024: 04.12.2024 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Arthur Gretton (University College London)
- 06 November 2024: 06.11.2024 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Raquel Fernandez (University of Amsterdam)
- 24 October 2024: 24.10.2024 - Public reading with author Michael Wildenhain and Steffen Staab
- 03 July 2024: 03.07.2024 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Sabine Süsstrunk (EPFL Lausanne)
- 05 June 2024: 05.06.2024 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Elisabeth André (Augsburg University)
- 08 May 2024: 08.05.2024 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Iryna Gurevych (TU Darmstadt)
- 06 March 2024: 06.03.2024 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Gerhard Neumann (KIT)
- 07 February 2024: 07.02.2024 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Sepp Hochreiter (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
- 05 December 2023: 05.12.2023 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Andreas Holzinger (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
- 07 November 2023: 07.11.2023 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Jonathan Berant (Tel-Aviv University / Google DeepMind)
- 04 July 2023: 04.07.2023 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Björn W. Schuller (Imperial College London/University of Augsburg)
- 06 June 2023: 06.06.2023 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Lars Kai Hansen (Technical University of Denmark)
- 02 May 2023: 02.05.2023 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Niao He (ETH Zurich)
- 29 March 2023: 29.03.2023 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Nuria Oliver (Data-Pop Alliance/Vodafone Institute)
- 18 January 2023: 07.02.2023 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Oliver Brock (TU Berlin)
- 06 December 2022: 10.01.2023 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Simo Särkkä (Aalto University, Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence)
- 16 November 2022: 06.12.2022 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Laura Leal-Taixé (NVIDIA, Technical University of Munich)
- 31 October 2022: 08.11.2022 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Philipp Hennig (University of Tübingen)
- 15 September 2022: 04.10.2022 - Distinguished Lecture Series: Hinrich Schütze (LMU Munich)
- 26 August 2022: Kick-Off Event now online
- 24 June 2022: 11.07.2022 - Upcoming talk by Stephan Mandt (University of California, Irvine)
- 24 June 2022: Kick-Off Event on July 21
- 24 June 2022: 13.07.2022 - ELLIS-AISA talk by Frank Hutter
- 22 April 2022: 27.04.2022 - Luiz Chamon to Give ELLIS-SimTech Talk